Monday, September 1, 2008

What a (Labor) Day!

So it has been a really awesome 3 1/2 day weekend for me. It started out Friday with a tasty dinner at Free State with Geoff's family, which was immediately followed by the end of the season kickball party at Liberty Hall. Many yummy Ad Astra's were had. The party was a good time for me to reconnect with the world outside of my home and my work. I got to catch up with an old friend and talk about some silly girl stuff. Which, this friend of mine got engaged last night! She and her awesome fella have been friends for awhile, and I'm thrilled to see them headed in wedding direction. So Congrats to L & P!

On Saturday Geoff and I took a little mini-vacation to Kansas City where we had an awesome room on the plaza! A little bit of shopping and a lot of eating!
We tried to cheap it fairly affordable and had a tasty dinner at the Kona Grill. I also got to drink $9 cocktails! Yikes, but they were yumyum!

Sorry about the photos, they were taken from my (NEW!) iphone, but that is another story all together.
Nice getaway, even if for only 24 hours. Its nice to be able to relax with no agenda. I'm normally not to good at that.

Today is an awesome Mallory day! Finished a book, watched part of the BFFs of BH marathon on Soap Net, and am now anxiously awaiting the season premiere of GOSSIP GIRL! Also, One Tree Hill, but seriously, GOSSIP GIRL! Man, I love TV! I wouldn't feel so awful about the amount of television I watch around this time of year if I hadn't read so much this summer.
It balances, right? RIGHT!

Less than 2 1/2 HOURS! Sweet jeebus, I don't know if I can handle the wait!

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