Saturday, August 16, 2008

It's me, Mallory!

My name is Mallory, I'm 24 and I live in Lawrence, KS.
I live in a lovely little 1950's ranch-style home with my boyfriend and our dog, Pippen, and cat, Elvis.
I have lived in Kansas most of my life and I really do love it here. Occasionally I have ideas of moving away, but I don't know if I could ever leave Lawrence.
My three favorite cities in the world are : Florence, Chicago, and Lawrence. Okay, Lawrence may eventually get bumped off the list, once I am more well-traveled.

My current interests include but are not limited to the following:
-Learning to knit
-The Twilight Saga
-The Farmers Market (esp. tamales and tomatoes)
-Gossip Girl
-The Olympics (duh)
-Being a world champion kickball player
-buying at least one dress per week (terrible weakness)
-Mamma Mia

Things I am always interested in:
-My awesome friends

More to come!!!

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